Are you Consistent?

Working the the health and wellness field for over 20 years I have found a few consistent truths, one of them is that most people are not consistent, especially with their good habits.  Whether it comes from adding more healthy water (and yes not all water is the same).  We need structured water, the water that comes straight from the earth without being processed in any way.  That means filtered, pumped or bottled in plastic.  Also most people are not consistent with their nutrition.  Boxed or packaged food does not contain nutrition.  So most over-weight people are seeking nutrition so they keep eating and their body is hoping for some life in their food.  When you eat nutrient dense food you are satisfied.  Also most people are not consistent with their correct supplements.  First you have to select the correct supplement for the person’s energy.  Then they have to stay on it long enough for the body to make changes.  So many people bail when things start to get tough.  That is the body just on it way back into health.  When I started the Somaderm the changes or healing crisis was just that.  But that product has changed my life.  It has healed my back pain from 3 severe auto accidents but what I didn’t expect was my gluten and dairy sensitivities to be eliminated and the most unexpected is my goiter to be healed after almost 50 years.  Yes it took consistency on my part but I gave my supplement enough time to created a new and healthy me and even better is it created a new wealthy me.

Living the cycles of Nature

In this modern world so many of us lose contact with nature. It has been an enjoyable summer for us in the Northeast. The rains stopped and we could finally concentrate on growing our food and sharing it with others. As the earth’s magnetic fields continue to change, life and growing food on a global and local level is going to change. As an electronic engineer I am very aware of the impact of RF and EMF and the solar changes and what they are doing to us and our energy field. Every day I am seeing people dealing with the negative effects of these events. Some are self imposed (by being too close to our technology) others are on a global scale, like running out of water in the mountains of Colorado and California. Be like a boy scout, be prepared. So in that mind set we are growing younger every day. You can find out more information how you can reverse the the aging process by checking out: NewULife.   Also we have been interviewed many times on TV so watch for our new video page.  We are here to help because everyday we focus on Love, Life and Blessings, do you?

If it really heals you, forget it you can’t sell it.

I have worked in the integrative health field for over 25 years and before that I was an electrical engineer. My goal has always been to bring solutions – real solutions to people. Whether is was green technology before the name was popular or real health solutions since western medicine failed me. Each time I have seen really innovative technology or supplements get buried. One companies’ growth was outpacing all other companies as they had a product that really healed people, next thing you know, a computer glitch and new management and poof, the company no longer exists. On a smaller scale I have been working to bring high density, biodynamic, nutrient dense certified organic food to Wadsworth, OH. It is a small farmer’s market in a small town. They are discriminating against us as we also work with our old order Amish who can’t bring the food to market so they are relying on us to do so. Some people make incorrect decisions based on their lack of knowledge but they are too arrogant to ask questions and find the real truth. It might make them look ‘stupid’. There is a famous quote from Albert Einstein “Condemnation with out investigation is the height of ignorance.” All I can hope for is that ‘the awake’ people find us for real nutrition, with real food. Are you awake?

Happiness is ?

What is real joy?  Can you ever remember a real time that you felt happiness?  When that question was posed to me my answer was not really.  I had a very sad childhood, it was filled with sickness and bulling.  Parents that really did not show positive emotions, dad showed emotion but always negative emotions.  However, my childhood was the classroom so that I can be a better person as I know what it feels like to…  You fill in the blank as I probably have experienced something similar to what you are going through.  Yes, not exactly as we all filter things differently but I am sure I have felt or experienced something close so I can relate.   So when am I the most happiest?  That is when I am teaching.  I want you to learn and I am excited to share with you so your path does not have to be as hard and challenging as mine.  Let me share my wisdom with you because as an old soul I “have been there, done that.”

Healthy Home, Healthy You

We can look at home two different ways.  We can look at the building that you are in and spend significant amount of time within or we can look at the body that contains you as also your home.  Both need to be clean.  Most physical homes are built with ‘Sticks and Cotton Candy’ instead of real sustainable energy efficient products like radiant barrier insulation or if your house is already built you can paint it with a special coating that could save you as much as 30% on your utilities for heating and cooling.  Most insulation today even in some newer homes that are sealed so tight that the insulation sweats and starts to mold and that is where a lot of people are having health issues and might not even be aware of the cause.  So back to the healthy you.  We are able to detect what is making you feel not just right, whether it is your home, work or just the stress from everyday life.  If you don’t keep your body healthy where are you going to live?

January – the only constant, Change

In January most of us think about our New Year’s resolutions and the goals we have set for the new year.  But how many of us have really evaluated where we are right now.  To have a peaceful and prosperous life we need to live in the moment.  What if the moment is always changing like the weather?  That is why it is so important to stay balanced as life changes. We are on the see-saw of life and when we are on the end we are out of balance but when we are in balance we are in the middle controlling the waves of change.  Your home needs to be balanced as well.  How friendly is it to you?  Is there constant noise and distractions?  Is the TV and other electronic devices on all the time?  Or do you give yourself and your family quiet time?  The more Green and environmentally friendly you can make your home the more it will serve all of your needs.  A simple paint (that protected the astronauts) on the walls and ceiling of your home can protect you from the changes of the weather.  So walk away from the constant battle and make your home a healthy and positive retreat.

A time for a new You

As the holiday season comes to a close our thoughts turn to our new year’s resolutions.  Most of us try goals that we never seem to be able to keep.  So one of the goals should be to find simple solutions that we can implement on a daily basis.  Remember movement is very important especially in the north climates, so one of the goals should be to do some type of movement everyday.   Parking further from the store or taking the stairs are just some simple ways of keeping movement within your daily life.  Also nutrition is very important so eat up all your goodies and start back into your fruit and vegetables.   Don’t forget the HGH as it will also restore your body back to your healthy, youthful state.  Also we will be starting to teach you how to keep yourself in balance this year so check out our events page as therapies are also the third goal you should have and the last goal is meditation.  Keep those those 4 simple goals and you will have a better 2019.

November a time for Thanks

As the weather cools and life goes to sleep for the winter it is a time to remember the summer bounty of food and to be thankful for the harvest.  Even though the summer did not yield as much as the weather was very challenging at least we were able to put food away for the winter.  As the earth changes continue, look for different weather patterns and plan accordingly.  Don’t rely on things to be there when you need them be proactive.  Be proactive with your health as well use the HGH gel.  We keep talking about it as it is changing people’s lives for the better physically and financially. And for all that we are grateful that someone took the time to share with us so we can share with you.

October the tide of inner growth

As the weather continues to grow cooler here in the northeast everything is going back to the earth to be recycled again next spring.  However, it is a great time to expand our learning and growth.  We will be starting classes on Medical Intuition in the month of November at the Holistic Health and Healing Center.  The first class will start November 18th.  Also growing young with homeopathic HGH is amazing!  Join us in getting better sleep, more energy and that is just in the first month.  Within six months most people see: cellulite greatly diminishes, improved immune system, gray hair begins to return to natural color, heart rate improves, reduction in LDL cholesterol, decreased pain and general soreness, blood pressure normalizes, wounds heal quicker.  This information is from over 13 years of customer results.  You can find more information here.

September -The time of change

A lot has happened since we last communicated.  This summer was busy with the nutrition side of our wellness program.  All the wonderful biodynamic and organic food has been bountiful.  Also we have started two new programs both have to do with homeopathic solutions.    One program reads the health and vitality of all your organs and glands and is able to make a homeopathic remedy specific to your needs and it all can be done remotely.  The other program is revolutionary in the results it is providing.  Check out the why at ‘get on the gel  and if you would like to get some for yourself check out the link here.   We will be starting our health scans for the fall again so check out the events page, it will be updated with new events shortly.  Hope you have a great fall season even with all the planets in retrograde.